The Morningside State School P&C Association’s motto is ‘Doing it for The Kids’. The P&C is an essential part of the school. P&C volunteers are dedicated parents and community members who want to contribute to the management and improvement of our school.
The P&C is managed by an executive committee who, with other P&C members, work closely with the school Principal for the benefit of the students at the school.
Attending P&C functions provides an opportunity to network with the principal, teachers and other parents so that you can discuss the issues that concern you and share your ideas and experiences.
P&C members suggest and implement positive changes at the school – and the funds we raise have a lasting impact through building improvements and providing classroom 'extras'.
P&C General Meetings will be held on Wednesday 19th February, 21st May, 16th July, 19 September and 19th November in the Resource Centre from 6:30pm. The P&C Annual General Meeting is held each year in March where all positions are vacated for new nominations.
The P&C operates:
Executive committee members
President Holly Bond
Vice-President Ryan Stevens
Secretary Victoria Van Houdt
Treasurer Natalie Murphy
OSHC sub-committee members
Chairperson Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Swim club sub-committee
Chairperson Matthew Hindley
Secretary David O'Neill
Treasurer Kirstine Blackburne
Other sub-committee members
Fundraising & Events Coordinator Vacant
Coordinator Vacant
Tuckshop Coordinator Vacant
Uniform Shop Coordinator Vacant
Volunteer Coordinator Sarah