Swim club
A sign on afternoon or evening for the Morningside Flyers External link is held towards the end of term three at Morningside State School. This is an opportunity to speak to committee members about swim club and its operation. If you are unable to attend this or are thinking of joining once the season has started then please email us at info@morningsideflyers.org.au.
Cheerleading - Morningside Marvels
Cheer runs from Week 6, Term 1 to the week after our final competition in November. We compete in two competitions a year. Competitions are either in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. There is an annual fee to take part in Cheer, this covers all expenses for the year including competition entry, insurance, coaching etc. We hold an information/sign on meeting followed by try outs early in Term 1 each year to allocate children to teams.
For more info please email Julia Fifoot (Cheer Manager and Assistant Coach) jfifo1@eq.edu.au.
Dates and times TBC. Students participate in training and competitions throughout the year.